Technical Vocational Education and Training - SOLUTIONS

offers solution-oriented consulting, coaching and training for sustainable solutions in the context of vocational training and education.

Our experience in vocational training and education allows us a multi-level perspective with which we search with you for adapted solutions tailored to you and your needs and we put our broad international experience at your service.


A state's education system is one of the most important tools for shaping its future. Supporting every new generation in the transition to the productive employment system of the respective country is one of the most important measures for a successful economy. In order to optimally manage this transition from the school system to the employment system, governments and private companies need institutionalized cooperation. tvet-solutions will support and develop this cooperation with its services.

What does this support look like?

Countries that have developed a functioning dual vocational training system are among the countries with the lowest youth unemployment rate: Germany, Switzerland and Austria. A state's general education system can be among the best in the world - but this is not a measure of low youth unemployment and a socially balanced society. With adapted, holistic steps tailored to the situation, the paths to a successful, future-oriented vocational training system should be developed together.

What are the key elements of such a dual professional system?

Government organizations, vocational training institutions, companies, craft, trade and industry organizations as well as the respective social partners can jointly build and operate a comprehensive network and set up a vocational training and education system that not only corresponds to the general educational system in terms of quality but is also more innovative and the transition to the world of work is supported.

This website supports step by step solutions for the development of elements of successful vocational education and training systems on an international level.

As an overview, there is a short study on online vocational education - a study on solutions for learning in a classroom in the cloud available for free. Please contact me via email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

The website is currently under construction and is constantly being expanded. I am very happy about all information, comments and feedback.








Dipl.-Ing. Hans Bernd Richter, Oberstudiendirektor a. D.

Weidenstämme 13

D-34323 Malsfeld



Contact information:

email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

skype: hbr-ks    

mobile phone: +49 (0)160 49 13000    
